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'Firescape' Workshop designed to help you create defensible space for your home

The Orange County Coastkeeper is inviting Mission Viejo residents to a free "Firescape" Workshop on Thursday, August 29 from 7-9 pm at the Norman P.

William Shakespeare (abridged)

Don't miss 'The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (abridged)' Sept. 5-7

Get ready for a riveting and hilarious Mission Viejo High School production of "The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (abridged)" at 7 pm September 5-7 in the school's Performing Arts Center.<

Patriot Day

City to host two special events on Patriot Day

The City of Mission Viejo and American Soldier Network will host a simple flag-holding and candlelight gathering to honor the people who lost their lives and the heroes who responded to the catastr


Mark your calendar for Mission Viejo Restaurant Week Sept. 9-15

Foodies will rejoice with the chance to savor something new during Mission Viejo Restaurant Week September 9-15.


Enjoy Reptiles and Ice Cream event Aug. 24

Reptiles and ice cream "¦ oh my! Meet some new cold-blooded friends and enjoy a sweet cold treat during the Reptiles and Ice Cream event this weekend.