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10 long-time dogs still available at Mission Viejo Animal Services Center for only $20

Only one of Mission Viejo Animal Services Center's long-time dogs was adopted during the

council members, young kim, staff and veteran

Council approves plans that will benefit our community in numerous ways

The City Council on Tuesday approved a cost-sharing plan for much-needed facilities as well as a plan that will ultimately bring sports tourism and revenue from around the globe to Mission Viejo.&n

Olympic flags

Learn about Mission Viejo and the Olympics of the Past, Present and Future March 26

The City has always embraced its world-class sports facilities and Olympic spirit.

people planting and digging

Embrace nature and benefit our environment by volunteering during annual Earth Day and Arbor Day celebration

Volunteers are sought to help benefit our environment during the City’s annual Earth Day and Arbor Day celebration on Saturday, April 22. 

youth pickleball

Jr. Youth Pickleball Programs start in April at the Felipe Tennis and Recreation Center

Are you ready to be part of the next generation of pickleball players?