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People passionate for the arts sought for Cultural Arts Committee

The City is seeking applicants interesting in serving on the Cultural Arts Committee to attend an informational meeting on February 1. 

woman looking at paper and laptop

SDG&E’s new program designed to help qualifying customers with past-due bills

San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) will make $1 million in customer assistance available via Neighbor-to-Neighbor (N2N), a program that provides up to $300 in one-t


New webpage provides detailed information about accessory dwelling units

Because of new legislation passed in Sacramento over the last few years, Mission Viejo is starting to experience a consistent uptick in the number of inquiries about and

council meeting update

Council’s Jan. 10 meeting focused on goals, speed limits and other business

In the first City Council meeting of 2023, Mayor Brian Goodell spoke about his goals for this year and notable City accomplishments, and the Council passed a new ordinance and recognized an outstan

wall of recognition

Nominees sought for special Wall of Recognition honor

The City is accepting nominations for its annual Wall of Recognition program – created to recognize people who have contributed extraordinary, lasting and significant s