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city seal

City of Mission Viejo responding to lawsuit that has no merit

The City is responding to a lawsuit filed in the Orange County Superior Court by a resident opposed to Mission Viejo's move to 

city seal

Mission Viejo joins League of California Cities in opposing housing bill that would strip local control

The City of Mission Viejo is joining the League of California Cities in encouraging residents to contact their legislative representatives to oppose a new housing bill that would strip local contro

adopted marines

Make a difference in the lives of our adopted troops

You can help support the men and women who fight for our freedoms through the Adopt-A-Marine program and by donating items for care packages or expecting military families.&


Sweet dog that delivered six pups and recovered from dislocated hip now available for adoption

Hera is a 2-year-old German Shepherd mix that came to the Mission Viejo Animal Services Center through its Mission for Home Rescue Program after a plea to help the dog and her six puppies. &nb

council chamber

Council denies developer's zoning request for proposed Gardens project

The City Council on Tuesday voted unanimously to