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Kiwanis Club honors outstanding teens

Nine students from three local high schools were recognized this week by the Kiwanis Club of Mission Viejo.

The following students were feted for displaying leadership, academic excellence and community volunteerism.  The recognition is part of the Kiwanis Club's efforts to support and foster the education and success of local students.

Mission Viejo High School

  • Brianne Shannon was selected for her leadership in the Future Farmers of America at the state and national level.  Her team won the state award.  She plans to study agriculture in college.
  • Jackson Maxwell is #1 in his class with a 5.0 grade-point average.  He is also secretary general for the Model United Nations and president of the Kiwanis Key Club.  He plans to attend the University of Pennsylvania to obtain a law degree.
  • Alexandra Irving was selected for her leadership at school and role as chair of the committee on volunteer services at Saddleback Memorial Hospital.  She plans to attend the University of Washington or UCSD.

Capistrano High School

  • Dylan Martin is a leader in recruiting students for monthly service for the homeless at the Isaiah House.  He has a heavy school load as an AP student and soccer player.  Dylan plans to major in computer engineering at Cal Poly.
  • Nico Zani has a 4.5 grade-point average in the IB curriculum, participates in the Model United Nations and stars in award-winning plays at Capo.  Nico plans to major in the social sciences.
  • Connor Morrison is an engineering student, pilot, archer, marksman, Eagle Scout and mechanic.  He plans to join the Air Force and work for his father's engineering company.

Tesoro High School

  • Katelin Martinez maintains a 4.2 GPA while taking eight AP classes and participating in the California Scholastic Association as a national scholar.  She mentors new high school students in their transition from middle school. She is captain of the league champion Lacrosse team and MVP of the county.  Katelin will major in psychology.
  • Michelle Chung is a well-rounded scholar, tennis MVP and cellist.  She is department chair of the Mission Viejo Hospital for auxiliary volunteers.  Michelle plans to attend John Hopkins University and major in public health.
  • Shalin Shah achieved a perfect score on his SAT exam.  Shalin uses his talents to develop computer apps that help the blind and diagnose glaucoma.  He plans to major in computer science and hopes to attend MIT.

Along with quarterly recognitions for outstanding students, the Kiwanis Club of Mission Viejo mentors teens in leadership at the high schools' Key Clubs and college K Clubs.

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