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Mark your calendar for two upcoming job fairs

job search

If you are looking for a new job or to hone your skills, then mark your calendar for two upcoming job fairs in the region.  

First up is the North Orange County Job Fair hosted by Saddleback Church and the Santa Ana Elks Club from 10 am to 2 pm at 1751 S Lyon St. in Santa Ana on May 12.  

The free job fair will feature more than 80 employers. Job seekers will have the chance to ask hiring managers questions about their open positions, business culture, and what it's like working for their company. Each participating company can review resumes and schedule interviews throughout the fair. Dress to impress and network with professionals; meet companies that are hiring; apply to open positions; and land a job. Bring multiple copies of your resume. Register at this link or contact careercoaching@saddleback.com for more information. 

Then on June 1, the Orange County Workforce Development Board in conjunction with the Orange County Regional Consortium will host the Orange County High School & College Student Career Fair virtually from 10 am to 2 pm. Job seekers and employers are welcome to take part in this free fair. For more information, visit https://www.oconestop.com/jobfairs.

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