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Q: Where can I find more information about the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)? 
A: Please refer to FloodSmart.gov, an official site of the National Flood Insurance Program.
Q: How can I protect myself from a flood?
A: Know your flood terms
  What to do before, during, and after a flood
Q: How do I contact local utility companies in case of a storm?
A:    San Diego Gas & Electric
  Southern California Edison
  Southern California Gas
Q: What flood insurance options do I have?
A: Types of flood insurance
  Policy costs and terms
Q: What is my flood risk?
A: What is covered?
  Considering coverage?
  Am I in a flood zone?
Q: Where can I find information on the City of Mission Viejo's floodplain ordinance?
A: Mission Viejo Ordinance 93-118  
  Local storm preparation advice
Q: Where can I find local information on Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs)?
A: FEMA Map Service Center  
Q: Where can I find more information about current and upcoming weather?
A: www.noaa.gov