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Acts of kindness and generosity permeate Mission Viejo


During this pandemic, the stories of acts of kindness and generosity continue to show the wonderful spirit of our community. 

Take the Kiwanis Club of Mission Viejo, for example. The club recently donated $1,000 to South County Outreach to help stock the nonprofit’s food pantry, which typically distributes nearly one million pounds of emergency, non-perishable and fresh food to an average of 9,000 families annually. The COVID-19 crisis has increased the number of people the pantry is serving. The Kiwanis Club also donated $500 to StandUp for Kids to help support homeless teens in our area. 

In addition, Kiwanis Club of Mission Viejo president Jeff Badrtalei joined Anna Wu of the San Gabriel-based club for her donation of face masks to Mission Hospital to help keep medical personnel on the frontlines safe. 

These efforts epitomize the fabric of this community and help keep Mission Viejo Strong. 

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