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Alan Alda, yes THE Alan Alda, coming to Mission Viejo June 13

Alan Alda

One of America's most beloved TV stars – Alan Alda – best known for his role on “M*A*S*H,” will present his new book in Mission Viejo on Tuesday, June 13.
This iconic actor and bestselling author will appear in the City’s popular Writer’s Present program at 6 p.m. at the Norman P. Murray Community Center, 24932 Veterans Way.
Alda will discuss his latest book, “If I Understood You, Would I Have This Look on My Face?”  The book is an indispensable guide to better communication based on his experience with acting, improvisation, science and storytelling. With his trademark humor and frankness, Alda explains what makes the out-of-box techniques he developed after hosting the PBS series “Scientific American Frontiers.”
Alda won seven Emmy Awards, received three Tony nominations and was inducted into the Television Hall of Fame. He received an Oscar nod for his role in “The Aviator” but is best known for playing the lead protagonist Hawkeye Pierce on the classic television series “M*A*S*H.” Throughout his 40-year career, Alda also directed and penned bestsellers.
His appearance in Mission Viejo will follow other superstar authors including Julie Foudy on May 23 and Scott Turow on June 6.
Tickets include a copy of Alda’s new book and range from $32 to $40.
This 20th anniversary of the Mission Viejo Library event is sponsored by the Friends of the Mission Viejo Library and Mysterious Galaxy Bookstore.
For more information, contact 949-830-7100, ext. 5105 or libreference@cityofmissionviejo.org.

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