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Basketball icon to appear in Mission Viejo April 10

Sports and cultural icon Bill Walton will talk about his incredible life and memoir "Back from the Dead" when he visits Mission Viejo's Norman P. Murray Center on Monday, April 10.

Walton will appear in a special FREE Writers Present program at 6 p.m. in celebration of National Library Week.

"Back from the Dead" recounts Walton's devastating injuries and amazing recoveries, set in the context of his UCLA triumphs under John Wooden, his storied NBA career and his affinity for music and the Grateful Dead.

In 2008, Walton suffered a catastrophic spinal collapse"”the culmination of a lifetime of injuries"”that left him unable to move. He spent three years on the floor of his house, eating his meals there and crawling to the bathroom, where he could barely hoist himself up onto the toilet. The excruciating pain and slow recovery tested Walton to the fullest. But with extraordinary patience, determination - and pioneering surgery"”he recovered, and now shares his life story in this remarkable and unique memoir.

The memoir also follows Walton's broadcasting career as well as his longtime friendship with UCLA basketball coach John Wooden.

The presentation is free, but guests can purchase a ticket that includes reserved seating for two; a copy of "Back from the Dead"; and priority book signing online today.  Seating is limited.

For more information, contact 949-830-7100, ext. 5105 or libreference@cityofmissionviejo.org.

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