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Check out the Mission Viejo Sports Memorabilia Exhibit at our library

Old time photo

A new exhibit at the Mission Viejo Library features the fascinating history and memorabilia of Mission Viejo sporting events.  It was created by longtime resident Art Villalovos, who co-chairs the Heritage Committee and used to work for the Mission Viejo Company.

Sports are an important pastime for this community, and our City is recognized for world-class sports facilities, fields and picturesque Lake Mission Viejo. Hosting big sporting events was a successful marketing tool used by the Mission Viejo Company to attract future homebuyers to a growing community in the late 60s through the 80s.


Some of the events featured in the exhibit include:

  • The birth of the Nadadores
  • Miller High Life Cycling Race
  • Los Angeles Invitational Swim Meet of Champions @ Mission Viejo
  • CBS “Challenge of the Sexes”
  • Virginia Slims Tennis Tournaments
  • Seventeen Magazine Tennis Tournament of Champions
  • American Cup Diving Championships
  • Outdoor Diving Championships
  • Seals and Crofts Amateur Golf Tournament
  • U.S. Invitational Disco Championships at Mission Viejo Skateway
  • Junior & Senior World Championships at Lake Mission Viejo
  • Mission Viejo Junior Wheelchair Sports Camp 
  • Can-Am-Mex Diving Championships
  • Southwest Pacific Speed Skating Championships at Mission Viejo Skateway
  • Mission Viejo’ Turning Seven-up 5K/10K Run

Stop by and see the exhibit on display through August 10 in the first two cases by the library’s check-out counter at 100 Civic Center.

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