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Driving tips for the back-to-school season

The back-to-school season is quickly approaching, which means more school buses, children walking and running across the street and riding their bicycles to school. Afternoon hours are particularly dangerous for children walking. Motorists can prepare for the back-to-school driving season and help reduce the dangers to students by staying alert in neighborhoods and school zones and by following a few simple safety tips in and around school zones. 

  • Slow down – watch for children walking in the street and playing or gathering near bus stops.
  • Be alert and eliminate distractions, including refraining from using any electronic device when behind the wheel.
  • Watch for bicyclists.
  • Yield to school buses – be cautious when approaching a school bus or driving near bus stops.

The Automobile Club of Southern California strives to keep children and motorists safe during the back-to-school season. Each year, the Auto Club launches its “School’s Open—Drive Carefully” campaign, which is designed to reduce the number of traffic crashes that occur near schools and help promote safety before and after school hours. For more information, visit this website or our Public Works page at https://cityofmissionviejo.org/departments/public-works/traffic-and-transportation/safe-routes-school.