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FINA Diving Grand Prix making a world-class splash in Mission Viejo

FINA Diving Grand Prix

Saturday morning under clear blue skies and above deep blue water, athletes as graceful as swans practiced one by one and two by two perfecting their dives off the 45-foot dive tower at the Marguerite Aquatics Center.

Today, is Day 3 of the 2019 FINA Diving Grand Prix featuring elite divers from more than 23 countries.  The competition, which began Thursday at Mission Viejo's newly renovated Marguerite Aquatics Center, marks the prestigious event's return to the United States for the first time in six years. It also marks the first international event held at the Marguerite Aquatics Complex since its extensive renovation. With a full-complement of diving platforms, the City's center is the only facility on the West Coast capable of hosting synchronized diving competitions.

The event began with Olympic-style pageantry that included a parade of flags representing the different countries and recognition of Olympians like Mayor Pro Tem Brian Goodell, a two-time Olympic champion swimmer, and Mission Viejo Nadadores Head Coach Michele Mitchell, a two-time Olympic diving medalist. On behalf of USA Diving, Felix Grossman, a 60-time USA Diving Masters national champion, presented Mayor Greg Raths with a plaque of appreciation to the City of Mission Viejo. Council Members Wendy Bucknum and Trish Kelley were also on hand for the ceremonies.

"Thank you to FINA, USA Diving, the Mission Viejo Nadadores and everyone for making this incredible event happen," Mayor Raths said. "We worked so hard for the last three years on this facility and are so proud to show it off to the world!"

The 2019 FINA Grand Prix runs through Sunday. Get your tickets online and find out more about the event on USA Diving's events page. Mission Viejo Television is live until about 4 pm today, and finals will be streamed again tomorrow beginning at 10 am. Follow the link here: https://youtube.com/MissionViejoCA

FINA spectators

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