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Free Water Safety Day on tap Saturday, June 24

lifeguards helping child out of pool

As part of an ongoing effort to prevent drownings, the City of Mission Viejo is hosting its free Water Safety Day on Saturday, June 24 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the Montanoso Recreation Center, 25800 Montanoso Drive.

Designed for the entire family, Water Safety Day will feature drowning-prevention tips, emergency responders reacting to a "mock" drowning, educational exhibits and free water-watcher tags and whistles as well as recreational swim and games. 

The need for this event is certainly there: Drowning is the leading cause of death and disability in California for kids under 5.   

“We encourage parents, grandparents and others to attend so they can learn easy lifesaving tips and tricks for water emergencies,” said Community Services Manager Lydie Gutfeld.  “Beyond our lifeguards showing a mock rescue, we will have a show-and-tell discussion with community members about how quick thinking and a little creativity can be helpful in an emergency.”

For more information about this FREE event, contact 949-859-4348 or fitness@cityofmissionviejo.org

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