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Live Music on The Deck series this summer at Montanoso


Recreation members can enjoy live music for all ages this summer during the Live Music on The Deck series at Montanoso.

The live entertainment takes place from 1 to 4 pm on June 16, July 21, and August 18.

First up is Jabe Amato on June 16. Amato is a one-man band who plays multiple genres including classic rock, ‘80s and ‘90s. Tom Bagley follows on July 21 playing a wide variety of classic rock, pop, oldies and more. Concluding the summer series is Faith Floyd on August 18. Floyd is a San Clemente based solo artist featuring a grungy dream pop sound with powerful harmonies and lyrics.

Friends and guests can also attend by purchasing a day guest pass. Adult (14 and older) guest passes are $8 and child (3 months to 13 years) guest passes are $4.

For more information, contact fitness@cityofmissionviejo.org.

Montanoso Recreation and Fitness Center is located at 25800 Montanoso Drive.

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