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Mark your calendar for free Film of Character on Feb. 20

a more perfect union

The Mission Viejo Community of Character on Sunday, February 20 will host a free screening at 1:15 pm of the film "A More Perfect Union."

The film echoes February's character trait of "unity."

The movie depicts the events surrounding the creation of the United States Constitution and is focused mainly on James Madison who wrote most of that document and took extensive notes during the Constitutional Convention's discussions and proceedings. The Constitutional Convention is sometimes known as "The Miracle at Philadelphia." After the American Revolution, the country was not really united and 55 delegates met in Philadelphia in the summer of 1787 to create a new form of government that gave us a more perfect union.

"Benjamin Franklin" will be on hand after the film to lead a discussion on the events that transpired during the summer of 1787. He will also ask guests how the experiment that created our Republic is working today.

The film will be shown in the Mission Viejo Council Chamber at 200 Civic Center, across from the Mission Viejo Library. Middle school and high school students are encouraged to attend the presentation and experience the Miracle at Philadelphia in 1787.

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