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Meet local, state candidates at Chamber of Commerce's Community & Legislative meetings in October

legislative affairs

The Mission Viejo Chamber of Commerce is hosting two Community & Legislative Affairs meetings in October that will focus on candidates running for local and state offices.  

First up is the Community & Legislative Affairs meeting on Thursday, October 13 from 8 to 9:30 am in the Council Chamber. The meeting will give folks the chance to meet the candidates running for Congress, State Senate and State Assembly. The candidates will also discuss why they are running and what they hope to accomplish if elected. 

Next up is the Mission Viejo City Council Candidate Forum on Wednesday, October 19  from 7 to 9 pm at the Norman P. Murray Center. Candidates representing all five Districts will have the opportunity to talk about why they are running and what they hope to accomplish if elected. For more information, contact the chamber at 949-441-0602info@missionviejochamber.com or visit this link.  

There is no cost to attend the meetings.

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