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Mission Viejo Nadadores lands 10 athletes including Councilman Brian Goodell on CSCAA Top 100 of all time

brian goodell

Ten swimmers and divers with ties to the Mission Viejo Nadadores were listed on the College Swimming & Diving Coaches Association's Top 100 Swimming/Diving ATHLETES OF THE CENTURY.

The Mission Viejo Nadadores swimming and diving teams began in the late 1970s, and the long history of success has brought hundreds of thousands of swimmers and divers to our community for training and competitions at all levels. Mission Viejo is known world-wide as the mecca of aquatic sports, so it's no surprise that both swimmers and divers who trained in our community, then moved on to institutions of higher education to make their mark in the college ranks.

With too many records and medals to list, below are the Mission Viejo Nadadores who made the list:

Female Olympic greats Megan Neyer (1980 Diver), Linda Jezak (1976 Swimmer), Valerie Lee (1975 World Championship), Mary Beth Linzmeier (1980 Swimmer), Mary T. Meagher (1980, 1984, 1988 swimmer) Dara Torres (1984, 1988, 1992, 2000, 2008 swimmer) and Tami Bruce (1988) were awarded the honor.

Male Olympic swimmers Brian Goodell (1976, 1980 swimmer), Tom Shields (2016, 2020 swimmer) and Artur Wodjat (1988, 1992 swimmer) made the list on the men's side.

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