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Nominate an unsung hero for recognition by Orange County Celebration of Heroes project


Do you know an unsung hero - someone who has made an extraordinary difference in the lives of others during the pandemic? 

If so, consider nominating the individual for recognition from the Orange County Celebration of Heroes project. 

The Celebration of Heroes project was established to recognize the healthcare workers who have performed extraordinary services to care for COVID-19 victims at incalculable personal risk as well as everyday heroes such as grocery clerks, senior caretakers, teachers, bus drivers, first responders and others who have gone above and beyond the call of duty at great personal sacrifice.  

From your nominations of heroes, the organization will select folks whose stories best represent the sacrifices of so many others. All nominees, even if not selected as part of the representative group, will be invited to the Celebration of Heroes Gala on April 30 as guests. The selected nominees will be individually acknowledged and honored. 

Nominate your hero at this link through March 15 and read the incredible stories of folks who have already been nominated.  

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