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Save the date for "Walk in Their Shoes" event in Mission Viejo

5K Walk and Fun Run

Save the date for Saturday, March 25 when the inaugural Working Wardrobes' VetNet 5K Walk and Fun Run takes step in Mission Viejo along the picturesque Oso Creek Trail.

Working Wardrobes is an Orange County-based nonprofit that for over two decades has helped more than 70,000 men and women - and many veterans - overcome such challenges as alcohol and drug abuse, domestic violence and homelessness.

Working Wardrobes' VetNet is a safety net for veterans. It provides them with different occupational and soft-skills training, resume development, interview skills workshops, industry-specific certifications and professional wardrobe service.

Participants can walk or run and sport boots for the "Walk in Their Shoes" event, which will raise awareness of the struggles veterans face here at home.

For more information and to register, visit http://www.workingwardrobes.org/fundraisers.