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Scouts finish projects that put them in line for Eagle Scout ranking

It's been said that one person can make a difference. Trent Eliason and Kyle Hampson know this is true. The two scouts recently completed separate – but similar – City projects that have put them in line to receive the Eagle Scout ranking, the highest rank attainable in the Boy Scouting program of the Boy Scouts of America.

Trent of Troop 736 organized about 35 volunteers to plant several hundred plants and five 15-gallon native California pepper trees along the Oso Creek Trail near the Village Green.

In the same vicinity, Kyle of Troop 615 – armed with 25 volunteers – planted 650 one-gallon plants and five additional 15-gallon native California pepper trees.

Both scouts demonstrated superior leadership and organization skills and they made this City proud. For information about conducting similar projects, call 949-470-3095 or publicserevices@cityofmissionviejo.org.

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