Two pups rescued from Riverside hoarder have succumed to parvo virus
With heavy hearts, City staff is reporting tragic news about two of the seven puppies Mission Viejo Animal Services rescued from a Riverside hoarder.
Despite the most advanced technical medical care available, the puppies succumbed to the dreadful Parvo virus that took their lives.
"We know their immune systems were not as strong as we had hoped, which could be explained by the hoarding situation they came from," said Animal Services Care Supervisor Brynn Lavison.
The City is grateful to the community members who responded by donating, so that Animal Services and DAWG could continue to provide extraordinary critical care for Schmango and Fergus.
"Our hearts are heavy as we grieve their loss," Lavison said. "If even one puppy owner has read about these pups and the horrific impacts of the Parvo virus and has since vaccinated their puppy, we will feel comforted in knowing their pup will be safe from this deadly virus."