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Volunteers and exhibitors sought for planting efforts & Green Expo

If you have a passion for our environment, consider volunteering during our annual Earth Day & Arbor Day celebration on Saturday, April 21.  This annual event is from 8 a.m. to noon at Cordova Park, 26931 El Retiro.
Volunteers will have the chance to help enhance our environment by planting trees and shrubs at the park located near Carl Hankey Elementary School.  Free hotdogs and ice cream will be available for volunteers while supplies last.

Along with the planting, the City is hosting a Green Expo that will feature earth-friendly activities and environmental exhibits with tips on water conservation, pollution prevention and recycling. Eco-friendly businesses and organizations are sought to display their goods and services.

For planting details, contact Jerry Hill at 949-470-3095.  Information about Green Expo exhibitors is available by calling Denise Matson 949-470-3010. 

General information is available on our green website at https://cityofmissionviejo.org/green.

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