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Worldwide Knit in Public Day June 13


A Potocki Center for the Arts instructor is encouraging knitters to grab their needles and yarn and get outside from 11 am to 1 pm on Saturday, June 13 for Worldwide Knit in Public Day.

Started in 2005, Knit in Public Day is designed to foster community among knitters, encouraging them to get together and enjoy building relationships, while increasing awareness of the craft among a broader audience.  

Mission Viejo knitting instructor Tamara Griffin has dubbed the day “Mission Viejo Knits” and is asking residents to snap photos of themselves enjoying the great outdoors – front lawns, driveways, sidewalks – while working and send the photos to missionviejoarts@mvfota.org. Folks can also hashtag #knittingmvtogether via social media. 

The photos will be used to share the experience of weaving creative relationships.  

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