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seniors with icecream

Join us for an Ice Cream Social (Distance) to celebrate National Senior Citizen Day

Help staff at the Norman P. Murray Community and Senior Center celebrate National Senior Citizen Day, Friday, August 21 with a tasty drive-through event.

food drive

More Drop-and-Go Food Drives scheduled in Mission Viejo

The City of Mission Viejo is hosting Drop-and-Go Food Drives from 9-11 am on Saturday, September 26 and October 24 at the Norman P. Murray Community and Senior Center, 24392 Veterans Way. 

brush cleaning

Work along golf course enhancing Mission Viejo's Open Space

As a first step in improving the City's recently acquired open space land and to enhance Mission Viejo's pristine trail system, the City has been clearing brush and the slopes along the Oso Creek T

high temperatures

Remember these tips to prevent heat-related illnesses

With an excessive heat wave impacting the region, the City of Mission Viejo is encouraging residents to take precautions to prevent heat-related illnesses. 


Construction continues on new STEAM building at Newhart Middle School

Construction continues on Newhart Middle School’s new STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics) building.