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Mission Viejo City Hall

One-on-one assistance for veterans available January 11

Do you need help navigating the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs? If so, head to Mission Viejo City Hall on Thursday, January 11.

kids throwing snowballs

Sierra Snow Summit on Jan. 20 will get 2018 off to a chilling, thrilling start

Think you can handle Polar Bear Plunge? Then mark your calendar for the Sierra Snow Summit on Saturday, January 20.

Middle School Teen Scene GIANT Game Night on tap Jan. 12

Are you ready to roll the dice with some new friends?

Beware of bitcoin blackmail scam

Mission Viejo Police Services is warning residents to beware of a blackmail scam, after a resident reported receiving an extortion letter in the mail from someone looking


Sign up for Jan. 24 Fraud & Cyber-Crimes Workshop today

Registration is available for the "Fraud & Cyber-Crimes" workshop on January 24.