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Mission Viejo Police Services is reminding the public to shop safely this holiday season


Mission Viejo Police Services has compiled a list of tips to keep you and your family safe while shopping this holiday season.

  • Always be aware of your surroundings. A well-developed "situational awareness" provides you with insight into what has happened, what is currently happening, and what might happen next.
  • Criminals often seek victims who are distracted or timid. When you are out in public, walk confidently, look around (most criminals do not want to be noticed), trust your instincts, and report suspicious activity to the police or store security immediately. 
  • When possible, do not carry a purse or unnecessary items when shopping. Take only your car keys, phone, ID and credit card.
  • Purchase your high-dollar items last. 
  • Place your items in the trunk of your vehicle so they are out of sight if you plan on stopping elsewhere on the way home.
  • Drive with your car doors locked. When you park, look around before you exit your vehicle.
  • When you return to your vehicle, look around before entering your vehicle and immediately lock your doors after you enter.
  • Have the key fob in your hands in case you need to sound the car alarm to scare off someone.

You can report any suspicious activity by calling the 24-hour non-emergency dispatch at 949-770-6011. If you see a crime in progress, call 9-1-1.

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