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City grateful for Eagle Scout projects

The City of Mission Viejo continues to enjoy the fruit of local scouts’ labor through planting projects that benefit our environment and help beautify the area.

The following Boy Scouts completed projects this summer that put them in line to obtain the prestigious rank of Eagle.

Samual Brown of Troop 661 rallied about 40 volunteers to plant 800 drought-tolerate plants on two slope areas along El Moro Trail next to Entidad greenbelt area.

Armed with about 30 volunteers, Spencer Golpashin of Troop 1210 planted 1,000 one-gallon plants on the slope area behind the fire station at Applegate Park.

Like a master conductor, Collin Jennie of Troop 773 led 20 volunteers in planting 425 one-gallon drought-tolerant plants; 30 five-gallon rose bush plans; and 12 native California trees along the Oso Creek Trail. He also placed 3,500 square feet of sod.

For his Eagle Scout project, John Abdelmalek of Troop #659 and his hardworking band of volunteers planted more than 500 shrubs and plants along the slope on Muirlands from Alicia to La Paz.

Ari Parsons of Boy Scout Troop 772 was joined by about 40 volunteers in planting 600 plants and 11 trees on the slope along Muirlands Blvd.

Benjamin Hales’ Eagle Scout project called for prepping, painting and cleaning up eight dugouts at Marty Russo Youth Athletic Park. Benjamin of Troop #701 led about 30 volunteers in the effort.

Brandon Shohdy of Troop 659 led 20 volunteers in planting hundreds of plants and 11 trees along the slope on Muirlands Blvd.

These scouts certainly have what it takes to soar with Eagles, and the City of Mission Viejo is grateful for their outstanding efforts. Scouts interested in conducting similar projects should call 949-470-3085.

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