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Community Townhall on mental health and suicide set for April 10

mental health

The City of Mission Viejo in partnership with Red Songbird Foundation is co-sponsoring a Community Townhall on mental health and suicide Sunday, April 10 at the Norman P. Murray Community and Senior Center, 24932 Veterans Way.

The two-hour Community Townhall begins at 4:30 pm and features guest speakers and mental health advocates including Hilary Roberts, CEO of Red Song Bird Foundation; Gil Carmona; Dr. Lawrence Tucker; Preston Durnford; Ottis Johnson; and Tanya Brown, the sister of Nicole Brown Simpson. 

National Alliance Mental Health (NAMI), American Federation for Suicide Prevention and others will be on hand providing resources and opportunities to discuss personal mental health challenges.

The townhall is geared for adults 18 and older. Food will be served. Registration is required at https://www.redsongbird.org/townhall.  

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