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Take steps to prevent mosquito bites


The Orange County Mosquito and Vector Control District (OCMVCD) is reminding the public to take steps to prevent the "ankle-biter" mosquito that is prevalent throughout Orange County. 

The invasive Aedes mosquito is an aggressive black-and-white insect that is thriving in populations across the State.  

Because of this, OCMVCD is asking residents to: 

  • Be proactive in mosquito control 
  • Protect themselves from bites 
  • Adapt to a new way of enjoying the outdoors 

The best way to reduce mosquito activity is to eliminate water sources from your property. Mosquitoes breed in backyard sources such as flowerpot saucers, yard drains, water-holding plants and other small containers. Download a property checklist and learn more at this link. For standing water that cannot be removed, residents can place mosquitofish to large sources or apply BTI granules to smaller sources. A service request for a property inspection is available by calling 714-971-2421 or visiting ocvector.org

For bite prevention, the key is to wear EPA-registered repellent like DEET, Picaridin, IR3535, Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus (OLE). Another way to prevent bites is to wear long sleeves and pants. For added protection, apply the repellent to clothing.  

For more information, visit ocvector.org.


Submitted by Karsten Janet M on Thu, 09/01/2022 - 7:53 pm


the mosquitos are a serious problem with most people i speak to. one person stated the city doesn't
do abatement spraying as in past. thats a shame. i would hate to witness an epidemic of mosquito borne diseases that could be prevented.
its difficult to enjoy our back yards due to mosquito population!

Submitted by Mary L. Sullivan on Fri, 09/02/2022 - 1:22 pm


Mosquito bites are very itchy, hurt and uncomfortable. The city should seriously make an effort to safely eradicate these bugs before it becomes a serious problem such as disease complications.

Submitted by Joseph Depp on Wed, 09/28/2022 - 7:17 am


Mosquitoes are now spreading from Mission Viejo to Rancho Santa Margarita and Dove Canyon. Please do something before the spread is beyond control.

Submitted by Brooke on Sun, 10/02/2022 - 6:45 pm


I’ve lived here my whole life and never had to be concerned about mosquitos bites til recently. I won’t even go outside day or night anymore because I get bit so bad - it’s absolutely miserable. Moving next Summer and getting the heck out this town.

Submitted by Wally Lofty on Sat, 10/22/2022 - 12:09 am


I’ve traveled all over the world and I’ve not encountered such an annoyance as these little tiny mesquites, they come in the house through the the window screens and door screens. We’re doing all that we can to keep them out but it’s impossible. The City of Mission Viejo, Orange County, and the state of California needs to team up and do something. They should compile their budget or resources to stop the spread and illuminate them. We’re in Orange Country, California, United States, not a third world country. Something needs to be done to contain the situation before it gets worse and these little tiny mesquites start spreading illness and disease throughout city, county, then state. I mean, isn’t this why we pay taxes so tired can be used in these serious situations to protect us.

Submitted by Ralph Bobsin on Sun, 10/23/2022 - 3:58 pm


I would like to know why we are having problems with mosquitos this year. There is a lot published on what to do about it with regard to removing standing water but let's face it, we have been in a drought for quite some time. We have had a hot, dry summer with little or no rain. I've lived in Mission Viejo since 1991 and never remember getting bit by mosquitos. What's going on? Has their been a change in the way abatement is managed? Does it have anything to do with how the lake is managed?

Submitted by Bonnie on Sat, 10/07/2023 - 6:54 pm


There seems to be a different breed of mosquitoes in Mission Viejo now. Is the city spraying for these pesky insects? Every time I go outside I get multiple bites. I've grown up here and never ever had a problem until this year! Please MV look into this and spray accordingly.

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