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Registration is underway for new gardening classes


New and exciting virtual and in-person gardening classes are now available at the Norman P. Murray Center through the OC Master Gardeners and expert gardener Kris Bonner. From learning how to start growing vegetables that you can harvest in the fall, winter, and early spring to reducing the use of water by adding California native plants, the classes are fun and beneficial.  

Register for the following classes today! 

Beautiful Bulbs, Made Easy 

Bulbs add beauty to any garden but have the unfair reputation of being difficult. Join Master Gardeners of Orange County to discover the beauty, ease and simple steps for successful gardening with bulbs. Learn about bulbs and their close relatives and how to plant and care for them. You'll discover easy and sustainable ways to grow bulbs, rewarding you with stunning garden color and beautiful cut flowers for your home. Classes take place on October 6 and October 7. Note: Online presentation is available on Oct. 7. 

California Natives 

After struggling through the dry summer, are you looking for ways to reduce your garden water use or thinking about adding California native plants? Learn about selection, planting, and maintenance of beautiful California natives that are adapted to our dry climate. Classes take place on November 3 and November 4. Note: If you can't attend this in-person class, sign up for the online Zoom encore presentation on Nov. 4. 

The Travelling Gardener 

Join Kris Bonner "The Travelling Gardener" as he takes you on an around-the-world journey to some of the most beautiful, intriguing, and inspirational gardens in the world. You will hear stories about these gardens and how plants have literally changed the world for the better. Classes take place on September 29; October 20 and November 15

For more information about any of these programs, contact 949-470-3062. 

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