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Laughs For Life Stand-Up Comedy Aug. 25 will benefit cancer research


Comedian and former weathercaster Fritz Coleman will headline the Laughs For Life Stand-Up Comedy event for a great cause Friday, August 25 in Mission Viejo.  

A fundraiser benefiting the American Cancer Society’s Relay For Life, the event begins at 7:30 pm at the Norman P. Murray Center, 24932 Veterans Way. Doors open at 6:30 pm. 

Coleman is a 5-time Emmy award-winning stand-up comedian and former KNBC weathercaster who made eight appearances on "The Tonight Show" with Johnny Carson and Jay Leno.  

The event also includes local comedians Georgia Kelley, Jim Taylor, Ron Ruhman and Tom Riehl (see more about them here).  

Tickets, which are tax deductible, are a $25 donation that directly benefits the American Cancer Society. Purchase tickets or a table of eight for $180 at bit.ly/SOC4Laughs.  For more information, contact Denise Matson at 949-933-0732.  

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