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With snake season underway, Mission Viejo Animal Services is reminding the public to be vigilant and aware


The Mission Viejo Animal Services Center is reminding residents to be aware of snake season after recently receiving a report of a rattlesnake inside someone's tire rim.

Animal Control Officer Julie Forton arrived to find a juvenile rattlesnake coiled inside the tire rim of a resident's vehicle. She safely removed and relocated the snake to a natural area away from the public. Neither the resident nor snake were harmed. However, the start of snake season, which runs from March through October, marks a period of increased awareness and vigilance. 

Snakes play a valuable role in maintaining ecological balance by regulating the rodent population. Most snakes encountered are non-venomous, while the rattlesnake is the only venomous snake native to California. Observing the shape of the snake's head, body and tail is a good way to determine if a snake is venomous. All rattlesnakes in California have a blotched pattern on the back and a rattle on the end of the tail which is often used as a warning sound. (The rattle is missing on newborn rattlesnakes and may be broken off on adults, so don't automatically assume that a snake with no rattle is not a rattlesnake.) See this flier for more information and tips for avoiding and encountering snakes.

If you encounter a rattlesnake on your property or public area, call the Mission Viejo Animal Services Center at 949-470-3045. Our officers are trained to handle and remove them safely. If a snake bites you or someone you know, call 911 immediately. 

For more information about local wildlife, visit this link.

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