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Rules & Administration

City Council Term Limits:    

Mission Viejo Municipal Code Sec. 2.04.010. Election of members; term limits.  
(a) The electors of the city shall elect council members at the general municipal election held every two years on the date of the statewide general election.

(b) No person shall serve more than three consecutive terms of office as a member of the city council. For the purpose of this section, a "term" shall include service on the council for any period of 731 consecutive days or longer.  

(c)  Any person who has served three consecutive terms as a member of the city council shall not be eligible to serve again until the expiration of at least 365 consecutive days after the end of such person's last term of office.  

(d) The term limits established by this section shall apply prospectively only to those terms of office which commence on or after June 2, 1998, which is the date this section was adopted by the voters.