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Special presentation by author Dan-el Padilla Peralta set for April 25

Dan-el Peralta

Mark your calendar for Wednesday, April 25 when “Undocumented” author Dan-el Padilla Peralta talks about his inspiring memoir at 6 p.m. in the City Council Chamber, 200 Civic Center Drive.

Dan-el’s memoir was selected for the Mission Viejo Library’s “One Book, One Community” program in partnership with Saddleback College. He will discuss his remarkable life – from living homeless to graduating at the top of his class from Princeton – as well as what it was like to live as an undocumented immigrant for years and why he finally decided to share his story.

He will share insights into how books changed his life and the power of family. Dan-el is an Assistant Professor of Classics at Princeton and an avid supporter of public scholarship.

Join us for this special presentation! Reservations are not required but seating is limited.

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