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New Little League Challenger Division allows kids of all abilities to play ball

Little League Challenger logo

South Mission Viejo Little League has rolled out a new the Little League Challenger Division designed to provide kids with physical, intellectual or developmental challenges the chance to play ball. 

This adaptive baseball program is free and open to players ages 4-14.  Athletes in the Challenger Division are accompanied during each game by a "buddy" who is a mainstream Little Leaguer. This buddy helps the athlete in every aspect of the game while stressing safety and fun. 

The SMVLL Challenger Division provides a unique opportunity for children to gain confidence while also building strong social and emotional bonds that will last a lifetime. The games consist of two innings, with each player batting and playing in the field every inning. Some athletes hit off a tee, while others hit a ball pitched by a coach. All games will take place on Saturdays at the City's Youth Athletic Park. 

This new program complements the City of Mission Viejo's SNAP (Special Needs Adaptive Programming) initiative.  The program is meant to provide opportunities for people with disabilities to partake in adaptive programs and experience the mental, physical, emotional and social aspects of sports and recreation.

For more information about the Little League Challenger Division, visit SMVLL.com.

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