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Make plans for magnificent Mistletoe and Holly Concert Dec. 11

The Master Chorale of Saddleback Valley will delight folks of all ages with a spectacular Mistletoe and Holly Concert on Sunday, December 11 at the Norman P. Murray Community and Senior Center, 24932 Veterans Way.

The 4 p.m. concert will feature holiday favorites folks love along with pieces many have never heard before. A highlight of the afternoon will be a rendition of Morten Lauridsen's magical and haunting "O Magnum Mysterium.” Guests will also savor traditional wassail – hot spiced cider – and cookies.  Doors open at 3:30 p.m.

The Master Chorale of Saddleback Valley is the oldest choral-performing group in Orange County with nearly 50 talented vocal musicians.

Tickets are $15 general admission; and $12 students and seniors. Kids under 12 are free. For tickets and information, visit http://www.masterchoralesv.org.

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