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Help Del Lago Elementary School win $2,500 for unique upcycled art project

You can help Del Lago Elementary School win $2,500 by casting your online vote for a unique upcycled art project created by inventive students.

Led by Pam Wagoner, a member of the City’s Cultural Arts Committee, the students from Del Lago’s “green team” entered their creation – “Techie the Circuit Board” – in the Made By Milk 2016 Carton Construction Contest. Their 2015 entry “Delly the Dolphin” netted the school $1,000.

This year’s entry was designed with the contest’s “invention” theme. 

“We wanted to make something special for this contest,” Pam said.  “Everyone loves cell phones, computers and other gadgets, but we wanted to do something that would truly celebrate technology.  So, we chose the mighty, yet often overlooked circuit board.  It makes smart technology possible and is found in every electronic device on the planet.  We see the circuit board as the heart and soul of all electronics.”

The main structure of their invention was formed using milk cartons collected at the school over the past two months.  The “electronic” components were crafted using milk cartons and other discarded items, including plastic bottles, candy containers, bottle caps, soda can tabs, cardboard and plastic packaging.  The students formed the circuitry lines with recycled aluminum foil. The structure and components were colored by hand through paper Mache using scrap paper collected at school.

“In addition to honoring the valuable, yet humble circuit board, we hope our project will inspire others to see the value of items we usually take for granted or label as trash.” Pam said.

You can help the school’s green team win the $2,500 People’s Choice award by casting your vote here before December 9.

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