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Teens, kids sought for Reading Rocks! Program

teen reading to child

Teens have the wonderful volunteer opportunity to help a child improve his or her reading through the Reading Rocks! Program.

The program works like this: Teens are read to by elementary school-age kids to help them practice their reading skills, keep up their reading over the summer and gain confidence in reading. You help the child pick out a book of interest from a book cart; gently correct mispronunciations and provide lots of encouragement to keep them motivated. If you have younger siblings, this is a great opportunity for them to improve their reading skills.

The program runs every Saturday June 15 to August 31. Teens must attend a mandatory one-time orientation, which take place 15 minutes before each 11 am session.

Grab an application and sign up at the Mission Viejo Library's Children's Reference Desk! Parents can sign up their kids for the program at the desk or by calling 949-830-7100 ext. 5107.

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