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Popular thriller author to appear in Mission Viejo March 14

Chevy Stevens, a New York Times bestselling author of thriller novels, will appear in the City’s popular Writers Present program on Tuesday, March 14.

Stevens will discuss her latest novel “NEVER LET YOU GO” at 7 p.m. in the Jacaranda Room at the Norman P. Murray Community Center, 24932 Veterans Way.

Stevens’ 2010 breakout bestseller “Still Missing” was at the forefront of the trend toward psychological thrillers featuring heroines at the helm, long before Gillian Flynn’s “Gone Girl.”  Both the genre and Stevens’ writing have come a long way since then. It was her job as a realtor that inspired the pivotal abduction scene in “Still Missing.”  For “NEVER LET YOU GO," which will be released on the date of her Mission Viejo appearance, Stevens went deeper, using her father’s struggles with substance abuse and depression to bring her main character’s alcoholic husband to life.

In “NEVER LET YOU GO,” Stevens not only explores the many different forms abuse can take but also how it can evolve – and eventually – be overcome. The Library Journal says this popular writer “always elicits oohs from thriller fanatics,” and she is expected to delight audience members in Mission Viejo with her charm and charisma.

This free Writers Present program is sponsored by Friends of the Mission Viejo Library and Mysterious Galaxy Bookstore. Stevens’ books will be sold on site.

To reserve a seat, call 949-830-7100, ext. 5105.

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