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Avoid COVID-19 scammers

scam alert

With the coronavirus running rampant throughout the world, crooks are using the pandemic to scam innocent people. Be sure you take the proper precautions to avoid being scammed. Here are some tips that can help.  

  • Learn how to tell the difference between a real contact tracer and a scammer. Legitimate tracers need health information, not money or personal financial information. 
  • Don't respond to texts, emails or calls about checks from the government. Here's what you need to know
  • Ignore offers for vaccinations and home test kits. Scammers are selling products to treat or prevent COVID-19 without proof that they work. 
  • Be wary of ads for test kits. Most test kits being advertised have not been approved by the FDA and aren't necessarily accurate. 
  • Hang up on robocalls. Scammers are using illegal robocalls to pitch everything from low-priced health insurance to work-at-home schemes. 
  • Watch for emails claiming to be from the CDC or WHO. Use sites like coronavirus.gov and usa.gov/coronavirus to get the latest information. Never click on links from sources you don't know
  • Always do your homework when it comes to donations. Never donate in cash, by gift card or by wiring money. 


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