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With COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations on the rise, Council and Committee meetings will continue to be held virtually

covid cases

 As a result of the rapidly increasing number of COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations and resulting orders and direction from the Governor of the State of California and Orange County Health Care Agency, the City of Mission Viejo will continue to host City Council and Planning and Transportation meetings virtually.

On July 1, Governor Gavin Newsom sent a letter urging all California cities to take every possible measure to help contain the deadly COVID-19 disease, which has continued to spike in the County. In fact, 1,028 new positive cases were reported in Orange County as of July 6. The California Department of Health reports 792 hospitalized patients in the last 14 days (suspected and positive) in 33 hospitals across the county as of Monday.

The City’s virtual meetings fall in line with several other cities like Irvine and Aliso Viejo, which do not permit physical public access due to the coronavirus outbreak.

“Unfortunately, we have seen a recent increase in COVID-19 cases, including a concerning increase in hospitalizations,” Governor Newsom said. “Everyone in the state must accept and continue to uphold their individual responsibility to help defeat this pandemic. When those responsibilities are disregarded, state and local governments must take action to protect their residents.”

The City continues to implement strict COVID-19 protocols, closures, social distancing and other measures pursuant to public health orders and directives to flatten the curve and keep residents safe. However, with the growing number of people not socially distancing or wearing face coverings as illustrated at recent rallies, beaches and public gatherings throughout the County and State – causing subsequent surges in COVID-19 cases – the City must take extraordinary precautions to protect residents.  Residents should wear face coverings, practice social distancing, stay home when sick and wash hands and use sanitizer often.

“We are all anxious to return to the Council Chamber to conduct our City’s business, but it is prudent to wait a little longer until the spike in infections subsides to keep everyone safe,” said Mayor Brian Goodell.

Orange County Supervisor Lisa Bartlett also said in a newsletter this week, “This virus is not going away anytime soon, so the best thing we can do is continue to exercise good judgment and take precautionary measures.”

People can still email their public comments for the Council’s July 14 meeting to cityclerk@cityofmissionviejo.org. To provide public comments for the Planning and Transportation Commission’s July 13 meeting, email cd@cityofmissionviejo.org.


Submitted by Bill Dean on Tue, 07/07/2020 - 4:11 pm


Mayor Goodell, and honorable city council members. As a long time resident of Mission Viejo, I am very disappointed in the lack of action by my elected leaders, with regard to enforcement of the mandatory mask policy. Especially with Sheriff Barnes refusal to enforce this. Not only will he not enforce this, he and his deputies are poor examples of compliance. Over the past several months, I've not seen one public photo of the Sheriff wearing a mask, and many times violating social distancing recommendations. Same is true of our Deputies....in fact, all you have to do it look at the City's Instagram account to see how often our Deputies are pictured without masks, and in close contact with others. His reasoning for not enforcing is pretty lame, and not what I would expect from a high ranking member of law enforcement. I am in the high risk category (over 70, underlying health conditions), and I am asking you to please take this pandemic more serious and start enforcing the guidelines issued by the state. If a business violates any guidelines, simply have their electric meter pulled, their water shut off and suspend any permit(s) they may have. Thank you.

Submitted by C on Wed, 07/08/2020 - 7:20 pm


The masks are ineffective, unhealthy and CA corrupt governor's mandate/edict is unconstitutional. It also has no legislative basis. Reopen businesses and say no to the mask.

Submitted by Cathy Schlicht on Thu, 07/09/2020 - 9:29 am


To add to comments made by "C", - using social distancing protocols, OPEN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS!

Because of the many controversies created by their votes, the members of the City Council do not want to hear our voices but will most certainly want our votes in November. They can't have it both ways.

Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 07/11/2020 - 1:06 pm


Cathy, have you actually read the Constitution? Nowhere in the body of the document nor in any of it's amendments does it say that we as citizens have the unrestricted right to walk around without a face covering. What the Constitution does specify in the 10th Amendment is that any power or area of influence not specifically laid out in the document either explicitly for the federal government or being restricted from the states is RESERVED for the states. This is an amendment that has been taken through the courts all the way up to the Supreme Court level and time and time again, the courts have ruled that this amendment specifically encompasses HEALTH, education and welfare. So according to the Constitution and the Supreme Court, your rights aren't being impeded, the states are specifically and exactly within their rights to pass regulations and mandate that her citizens wear masks at all times. This falls under health and like I already said, that is the right of the states, which the Supreme Court has already ruled on many many times.

Submitted by Cathy Schlicht on Mon, 07/13/2020 - 10:03 am


A tweet from Tomi Lahren: "Either masks work or they don’t. If you’re requiring them because they stop the spread then reopen everything..."

Are the Council Chambers remaining closed because of the many controversial votes taken by the members of the city council? Is the council avoiding its public?

One of tomorrow's controversial votes at the council meeting is the re-hiring of the city attorney.

According to the California State Bar, our city attorney appears to be working for himself.

On June 9, 2020, the Council just renewed its contract with the law firm of Lozano Smith with over 100 attorneys.

Letters of reprimand of the city attorney's mischaracterizations of its communications with the Office of the Secretary of State were exposed on June 23.

Is that why Closed Session 2 was added to the June 23 agenda? "City Clerk Kimberly Schmitt announced a request to add a Closed Session item for one four-part item as the need arose after the agenda was posted and there is a need to take immediate action regarding City Representation of Legal Services: Public Employee Appointment, Public Employment, Public Employee Performance Evaluation, and Public Employee Discipline/ Dismissal/Release: City Attorney position."

The city's new contract with the Law Firm of William P. Curley III is effective June 27, 2020.

The City continues to protect its "Status Quo".

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