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Work along golf course enhancing Mission Viejo's Open Space

brush cleaning

As a first step in improving the City's recently acquired open space land and to enhance Mission Viejo's pristine trail system, the City has been clearing brush and the slopes along the Oso Creek Trail. At the same time, the slopes along the Casta del Sol Golf Course have been cleared and grubbed, and several weakened trees that were potentially threatening adjacent homes were removed.

The City acquired the golf course - known as the best-kept secret in Orange County - last year to preserve more than 100 acres of open space and connect the heart of Mission Viejo. The golf course property and open space behind it (totaling 108 acres) provide a critical link to the Oso Creek Trail and well beyond.  The surrounding community has long desired improvements to this area - and the work is the beginning of a series of envisioned enhancements to the outdoor space that can be enjoyed by people of all ages for generations to come.

The current work also includes trimming trees along the slopes. These essential enhancements follow upgrades the City has been making to the golf course that includes painting the building, repaving the parking lot and upgrading the patio, lighting, pump yard and other features of the property that was built in 1970. 

For more information about exciting updates to our community golf course, follow us on Instagram @castadelsolgolfclub and Facebook @Castadelsol.


Submitted by JOHN on Fri, 08/14/2020 - 3:13 pm



Submitted by Brian Fallman on Fri, 08/14/2020 - 3:21 pm


Please keep the pathway relatively wild.... There are no more wild spaces in Mission Viejo. Many walkers and bikers I cycle past on this trail really enjoy the naturalness of this tiny area.

Submitted by Lillian Arand on Fri, 08/14/2020 - 3:27 pm


Please sure the path is wide enough to accommodate walkers and bicyclers. The current Oso Creek Trail gets crowded.
Also, please lots of trees for Shade like the current Oso Trail.
Thank you so much for this enhancement.

Submitted by Wally on Fri, 08/14/2020 - 3:48 pm


I am so thrilled that the city had the foresight to purchase the course and keep the land open. I see more and more corners of green space turned into high rise condos that just lower the quality of life in the surrounding area. I can't wait to see what's in store. Thank you.

Submitted by Doug Graham on Fri, 08/14/2020 - 3:53 pm


I'm all in favor of what the city is doing. And as a person who has jogged and walked that area between the finished Oso Creek Trail and the golf course for many years, I wonder if there is a plan in place to help the neighbors deal with the large number of coyotes that will have their habitat disturbed. We get a few on our area now but there will be a lot more as the work proceeds.

Submitted by Don Stocker on Fri, 08/14/2020 - 4:41 pm


The improvements the City has made are outstanding. Our fold course is actually looking like a "real" golf course again! Can't thank the City enough for these improvements, as we see them sitting on our Rec Center #1 pool deck in Casta Del Sol. VERY much appreciated!!

As our pool deck overlooks the little pond at the 10th tee, it would really be nice, and also appreciated, if the City could (within ecological limits of course) improve the water's appearance to a more pleasing hue.

Keep up the good work Mission Viejo!! We're so happy and proud that we bought a home in this beautiful city some 13 years ago. It will be where we take our last breaths.

Don & Arlene Stocker

Submitted by Al Arnott on Sat, 08/15/2020 - 8:44 am


One minor improvement to the golf course which would increase revenue, would be to level all tee boxes. THIS is the way a golf course is suppose to be. This low cost repair improvement would enable golfer's to hit better tee shots, and therefore improve the pace of play.

Submitted by Reinhold Joann on Sat, 08/15/2020 - 9:34 am


I live at the top of the slope at the Golf Course in Casta del Sol and now enjoying a beautiful view. I have paid to have the Golf Course hill side cleaned up yearly so that I could maintain the view.
I just noticed a worker clearing the bottom of my slope and spoke with him.

So glad to see that the City of MV is taking on these projects.
Joann Reinhold

Submitted by City Staff on Sat, 08/15/2020 - 7:03 pm


The City received just under 1,000 entries for the naming contest. The Council and Commissions are on summer hiatus currently, but on August 18 the Community Services Commission (CSC) will be asked to narrow the list down from the top 20 names to 5 names. At a City Council Meeting in September (either the 8th or 22nd) the City Council will choose the winner and runners-up from the group of 5 names (that agenda will also be available online). If you subscribe to our eNewsletter, you will receive notification of the finalists/winners in an article that we will publish at the conclusion of the naming contest or you can check back to this News page on the City website.

Submitted by PATRICIA GRIGGS on Sun, 08/16/2020 - 4:30 pm


Are restroom facilities part of the improvements in your plan? "Real" golf courses actually provide restrooms along the route and not just at the clubhouse.

Submitted by Ruth Anne Mills on Sun, 08/16/2020 - 8:49 pm


We moved here as part of the Philp Morris family 30 years ago. I have seen this community grow Leaps and bounds! I’ve never been so happy as a retired teacher to have Casts Del Sol golf course make so many fabulous improvements! We golf this course every week and are happy to call it home! Thank You!

Submitted by Christianne Ro… on Mon, 08/17/2020 - 2:42 pm


If one is not a golfer how do we avail ourselves of the new open space? Is it between the tunnel on Jeronimo walking left toward the golf course? If so, please keep this area wild without a paved path if possible. Is there anywhere else in this purchase that one can walk if not a golfer? Thank so much for the improvements that seem to be taking place.

Submitted by City Staff on Mon, 08/17/2020 - 2:58 pm


Regarding restrooms at the Casta del Sol Golf Course, during Covid-19 reopening plans all golf courses were instructed (by County Health officials) to NOT provide remote restrooms on-course.

Once the regulations are lifted we do plan to bring back the restroom on the back 9 holes. We are planning to provide portables and an improved experience until a new facility can be built. We will have to address many pressing infrastructure issues the first 2-3 years but this will be completed at some time. The City is reinvesting funds back into the course every year going forward and a permanent restroom facility is in the plan.

Submitted by City Staff on Mon, 08/17/2020 - 5:18 pm


Regarding the location described in our article, the area the City has cleared of brush is along the Oso Creek Trail just past the tunnel. One does not have to be a golfer to use the open space nor are there any restrictions for using it.

For those that are not aware, the golf course is a public facility. We have recently refurbished the outdoor patio and many of our patrons are NOT golfers but enjoy coming out for a beverage, sandwich, and to take in the view. We hope you will stop by sometime!

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