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City launches new website for Oso Creek Golf Course

golf website

The City has rolled out a new website for its Oso Creek Golf Course, offering the community detailed news and updates, online options, upgraded amenities and planned improvements for the course designed in 1970.

Through the colorful website at osocreekgolf.com, golfers can book a tee time; meet the staff; see the course guide; and learn about exciting planned improvements.

In fact, the City has been making much-needed enhancements and upgrades to the golf course and clubhouse built five decades ago as part of an overall transition into a more sustainable facility. This is all happening with course revenues rather than City funds.  

To learn more about what the Oso Creek Golf Course offers, visit osocreekgolf.com today.


Submitted by Kathy Mitchell on Thu, 11/05/2020 - 7:28 pm


Thanks to the City for purchasing and upgrading this hidden gem. All the improvements are amazing! Keep up the great work!

Submitted by Thomas Driskill on Fri, 11/06/2020 - 9:11 pm


The city has done a great job with the course.

But please give the new marshals the authority to require players not drisve carts where they should not be (close to greens and traps)

It would be nice to flag off wet areas on the course to ward carts away.

Need cart direction signs and stay on path signs.

i know it sounds as i'm conplaining, but I want us all to take care of the course as it's getting better.

Submitted by City Staff on Sat, 11/07/2020 - 8:48 am


Thank you for taking your time to write and express concern for the course. The new Volunteer Course Marshal program just started about 2 weeks ago and we are still ramping up and training the group.

We agree with the comments you have made and are working on being more vigilant to inform our golf patrons on golf cart usage on the course. We are changing the operational culture of everything at the facility and this issue is part of the change.

Thank you for again for reaching out and please rest assured we are aware of these concerns and are taking steps to address over time as we continue to make improvements at the course.

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