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Mission Viejo's 2021-23 budget workshop is set for June 22


The City of Mission Viejo's budget is balanced and fiscally robust with strong discretionary reserves - despite the pandemic - thanks to proactive budget-reducing measures and the use of American Rescue Plan resources that allowed the City to continue providing top-notch services to the community.     

The City Council on June 22 will consider the FY 2021-23 budget, a $172.8 million bundle of services, programs and projects for the benefit of Mission Viejo residents and businesses. The proposed budget provides for essential service levels and programs and $17.5 million in funding for capital improvements.  

Public safety remains the City's top priority with 30% of the budget dedicated to these services. Infrastructure maintenance comprises $41.6 million of the budget and includes all park, median, slope and facility maintenance.  

See the full budget report at this link. The public is invited to attend the meeting to provide input.

The City Council meets at 6 pm in the Council Chamber at 200 Civic Center.

For more information, visit cityofmissionviejo.org.


Submitted by Cathy Schlicht on Wed, 06/16/2021 - 9:59 am


With almost $1 million "invested" into consultants on creating the Civic Core Vision Plan, here is what you will find on Page 9 of the Proposed Budget:

Core Area Vision Plan

The City Council approved the Vision Plan on March 28, 2017, and has continued to give direction for its implementation. In January 2021, the property owner of the former Stein Mart location on Marguerite Parkway across from City Hall approached City staff with an offer to discuss the sale of the property to the City. City staff has been in negotiations with the property owner since January 2021 to determine if fair and reasonable terms can be agreed upon for property acquisition. Negotiations are on-going and are not anticipated to be completed until after the start of the 2021-23 budget cycle. If the City is successful in purchasing the property, site development could include a paseo and central gathering space, with connection to Oso Creek, as well as reconfiguration and reuse of the former Stein Mart building. This effort may also involve coordination with SMWD to reduce the footprint of, and rehabilitate, the SMWD water treatment plant on the east side of Oso Creek. Potential funding strategies for the property purchase and subsequent development also need to be determined. There are no resources included in the 2021-23 budget for either the acquisition or development of this property

Submitted by Barbara Hosmer on Thu, 06/17/2021 - 6:47 pm


thanks for pointing this out as i am following this issue. i would probably have fallen asleep before pg 9!

if there is nothing in the budget for this pipe dream, where might the money come from to facilitate it? this is a question i have asked before and still no answer.

Submitted by Cathy Schlicht on Mon, 06/21/2021 - 3:15 pm


The City continues to make out the Village Center property owners to be the villains, yet the City has been unable to answer any concerns. As a property owner, would you be willing to change the purpose of your land based on a wish and a prayer?
Here is the response to another one of my records requests:
From: CA Schlicht
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2021 2:54 PM
To: Robert Schick
Subject: Records Request - Civic Core Vision Plan Cost

Hello Robert.

Civic Core Vison Area documents have identified $30 million cost to transform the Mission Viejo Village Center into a new vision.

This is a records request for the breakdown and the documentation that supports that $30 million price tag.

Thank you, cathy
From: Robert Schick
Sent: Monday, May 24, 2021 4:17 PM
To: 'CA Schlicht'
Subject: RE: Records Request - Civic Core Vision Plan Cost

Good afternoon,

This email is in response to the Public Records Act request that you placed regarding “Civic Core Vison Area documents have identified $30 million cost to transform the Mission Viejo Village Center into a new vision. This is a records request for the breakdown and the documentation that supports that $30 million price tag.” There are no disclosable records applicable to your request.


Robert Schick

Submitted by lawrence gilbert on Tue, 06/22/2021 - 1:14 pm


I need a new drum. How many times can I repeat myself pointing out that this area is not City owned land. The ultimate reuse decision, if any ,lies with the13 different property owners on any investment for renovating their "private property." The city council and staff have been reviewing changes to this area since 2007, not just the past few years. And while we have spent one million dollars plus over the years a chunk of this has been spent on our hired legal counsel who loves the project revenue stream .

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