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Important update on Mission Viejo's transition to district-based elections

council meeting update

The City of Mission Viejo is in the process of selecting the final map and boundaries for its transition to district-based representation and elections. This decision will impact Mission Viejo residents for years to come, so the public - as always - is encouraged to participate.

At the next City Council meeting on Tuesday, February 22 at 6 pm, a presentation will be given from the Center for Demographic Research to explain the amended Map A-1. This map and others, which were created by members of the community, are available for viewing at this link.

The City has long sought the public's help in mapping out what a district-based election would look like and has hosted several public workshops that resulted in the creation of the maps. All eligible map options are fully compliant with the law and U.S. Constitution. 

For more information, contact 949-470-3052 or districtelections@cityofmissionviejo.org. The February 22 meeting takes place in the Council Chamber at 200 Civic Center. Meetings are streamed live on the City's website and air on Cox Channel 30 and AT&T U-Verse Channel 99. Residents are encouraged to sign up for the City's eNewsletter and follow the City's official social media sites for the most accurate, up-to-date information. 


Submitted by Cathy Schlicht on Fri, 02/18/2022 - 2:05 pm


Here we go again. The City posts this press release but leaves off some very basic information that affects every voter in our City.

The City states that this is an important update on the maps but fails to fully inform the public that the council will be ALSO voting on the districts they will be selecting for November voting.

Under Item #2 on the agenda, the city attorney once again fails to create a staff report. Item # 2 is in regards to the districting process. In between the lines on the agenda, the council will be deciding on which districts will be going out for vote in November. Will it be three districts or five districts? I think the public has a right to know what is going on with its government and has a right to voice their opinion.

Without a staff report, the public is again put at an extreme disadvantage, making it difficult to come to a meeting prepared to make any informed public comments. The public has to rely on a verbal report from the city attorney.

As the council has already made its decision on September 14, under Item #22, that only three districts will be going out to vote, will this item be passed very quickly before the public catches on?

Item # 22 also did not provide a staff report. Why doesn't the city attorney want to put anything in writing? Why are the council members allowing this lack transparency to continue? The council's action was also kept off of the September 14, 2021 official Minutes.

When the words do not match the action, trust the action.

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