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Council selects map that plots transition to district-based elections

district election news

After a series of public hearings and gathering community input about the transition to district-based representation and elections, the City Council on Tuesday voted unanimously to select Map A. This action followed a presentation by the Center for Demographic Research about the data that went into the center's creation of Map A

The move to district-based elections is something the City and many residents have opposed since the City - like many other cities - was sued by the Southwest Voter Registration Education Project, which claimed its at-large election system diluted the vote of the Latino community and violated the California Voting Rights Act. It was determined that Mission Viejo's unique demographic and geographic characteristics made district-based voting a poor remedy to empower minority voters and cure the unintended violation of the California Voting Rights Act identified in 2018. To achieve a remedy, the Orange County Superior Court approved a jointly submitted motion to make cumulative voting a reality in Mission Viejo. However, despite the Council's extraordinary efforts on behalf of this community, the State did not allow the cumulative voting method in Mission Viejo or any City absent legislative action in Sacramento, and the decision was made to move to a district-based election system beginning in November.

Following careful consideration of Map A - drawn by the Center for Demographic Research - and other maps created by residents, the Council determined that Map A best preserved existing school district and attendance boundaries, while also keeping homeowners' associations and housing tract neighborhoods intact - critical for Mission Viejo families and residents. Map A also aligned with existing features of the City including major arterial roads and geographical features.

With the selection of Map A, a new ordinance will be drafted and submitted at an upcoming Council Meeting to codify the selection.

For the latest news and information, residents are encouraged to sign up for the City's eNewsletter and follow the City's official social media sites. 


Submitted by Cathy Schlicht on Thu, 02/24/2022 - 1:52 pm


Where is the direct link to Map A? Why make our residents have to search for the Map? Maybe create a Map that is readable.

Where is the discussion on the voters in Districts 2 and 4 being disenfranchised by not allowing them to cast a ballot for council members until November 2024?

How do you justify 40% of the public not being allowed to vote this year for their choice to sit on the council?

If the council wishes to maintain staggered elections, assign two year terms to districts 2 and 4.

Otherwise, this entire public hearing process looks like the council "'plotted" to pick the map that was produced by staff that was gerrymandered and also protects the seats occupied by Trish Kelly and Brian Goodell who reside in District 2 and District 4.

Does anyone remember our City's first elections? The two candidates with the highest number of votes were assigned two year terms and the next three vote getters served four years. That system took the politics out of the process. Also, in 1988, our voters elected a Hispanic to represent us.

What this council has done was put politics into this process, and gamed the system, starting from 2017. They are a disgrace to our City.

Submitted by Linda White on Fri, 02/25/2022 - 1:54 am


Love this city..not happy with district based voting. I understand why this happened.

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Submitted by Bonnie Lippincott on Mon, 02/28/2022 - 3:54 pm


I keep looking for the district-based map and cannot find it. Where is it? There should be a tab that takes us directly to it.
Thank you,
Bonnie Lippincott

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