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City Commission to consider zoning application for the Gardens property April 11


After a unanimous vote by the City Council last month, a potential zoning change for the Gardens property owned by ValueRock Realty will be considered by the Planning and Transportation Commission on Monday.

City staff's recommended action is to deny ValueRock's zone change request for the proposed project at the corner of La Paz and Marguerite. The report is available at this link beginning on page 33.

Residents are encouraged to attend the meeting and share their opinions. The Planning and Transportation Commission meets at 6:30 pm on April 11 in City Hall's Council Chamber at 200 Civic Center. To receive updates about this project, sign up for the City's eNewsletter and select The Gardens Mixed-use Project Application Newsletter.


Submitted by Cathy Schlicht on Thu, 04/07/2022 - 11:37 am


Imagine that you were sitting in a concert hall and the stage performer asks the audience what song they would like to hear next. Magically, just by chance mind you, the next sheet music on the piano just happens to be the audience's requested song.

Mayor Bucknum has requested workshops for public input. But be aware the sheet music is already on the piano and the purpose of the workshops are to implement the goals of city hall.

This routine is being orchestrated for a desired outcome, and we will forever hear that this is what the public wanted....

The council's goal is to create a Specific Plan that encompasses the entire Civic Core Vison Area, from Oso to La Paz and beyond....

Don't be fooled into complacency.

Submitted by Anita Neuhausen on Thu, 04/07/2022 - 9:23 pm



Submitted by Nancy Plambeck on Thu, 04/07/2022 - 10:53 pm


I want to thank the City Council for their recommendation to deny the zone change requested by ValueRock. I will be unable to attend the meeting on April 11, and wanted to reiterate my opposition to any zone changes.

Submitted by Gideon Victor on Thu, 04/07/2022 - 11:36 pm


Mixed-use zoning is the most financially viable type of zoning every single time it is implemented.

Please please please take 10 minutes of this time to watch this video from Strong Towns, a channel dedicated to help city governments stay solvent.

Submitted by paul lechevalier on Fri, 04/08/2022 - 5:44 am


The proposed zoning change is not in the best interests of the residents of Mission Viejo. It would be the first step in destroying what so many have worked to build this last 50 plus years. We need to keep growing and improving our city but in a sensible and sustainable way that contributes to our quality of life not ways in that diminishes it. Please vote no on the zoning change.

Submitted by Donna Livermore on Fri, 04/08/2022 - 6:20 am


The proposed project is not welcome in our city, especially on that property. There is already way too much traffic on both Marguerite and La Paz. Please keep our community the way the residence want it, a town not a city.

Submitted by Norma McClellan on Fri, 04/08/2022 - 10:38 am


We moved to Mission viejo in 1972, needless to say we have seen many changes throughout the years. None of those changes came close to the devastating as the news
being proposed by this builder.

We are now retired, and for 3 years we looked for someplace we would like to retire to and live out our last years. We never found that place, and stayed here. We raised our children here, and now our grandchildren.

This proposed building will change the dynamic of this city and it will be lost forever.
PLEASE stop this madness.

Submitted by John M. on Fri, 04/08/2022 - 11:11 am


A much better site for this project exists. If the City and the developer are looking to add high density and affordable units there is a great location at the former Albertsons at Muirlands & La Paz. It is currently a "Floor & Decor" that is almost always empty with a huge empty parking lot. Obviously the owner of the lot would need to get onboard but it is a good location for this type of project. It is immediately adjacent to the freeway, has neighbors only to one side, would create very little traffic as residents may be able to exit directly onto the freeway/onramp. It would keep this type of development out of the "core" area and meet our Sacramento imposed housing responsibilities. I doubt it currently produces much revenue for the City. A few hundred units would help the city budget a lot more than a store nobody goes to.

Submitted by Ron & Diane Roussell on Fri, 04/08/2022 - 12:22 pm


I oppose the project.
I oppose changing a code that is for the benefit of the developer and would also impact other areas where a change in the code would enable similar project.
I oppose the design of the proposed project.
I oppose the impact the project would have on traffic at this intersection.
I oppose the height of the proposed project in an area that is no more than two stories high.

City Council Please deny this code change and this project. Protect and preserve Mission Viejo's creators vision.

Submitted by Val Thompson on Fri, 04/08/2022 - 12:29 pm


We are opposed to the zoning change. We love this community and do not want you to ruin our quality of life and community. Mission Viejo is a viable financially sound city, we do not need to continually introduce more and more high density building.
We are out of town and unable to attend the meeting, but, hopefully it will be on the internet.

Submitted by Gina Mendoza on Fri, 04/08/2022 - 12:34 pm


I stand in opposition of zoning changes that would add apartment buildings to our beautiful city. Preserve the beauty of Mission Viejo and quality of life for all residents. Thank you to the elected city Council for listening to everyone’s voices and acknowledging the request of their residents. Deny the zoning change request.

Submitted by Matthew Willey on Fri, 04/08/2022 - 3:32 pm


I very much appreciate Elaine’s thoughtful and well-reasoned recommendation to deny Value Rock’s application for a zoning change. This project on a variety of levels is in conflict with the communities core purpose and values. If you allow this zoning change, the City is likely to be swamped with applications for other sites. Please deny this zoning request!

Submitted by Carol on Fri, 04/08/2022 - 3:47 pm


Forty years ago, some of our family chose Mission Viejo as their home. They raised a family, participated in and contributed to community activities in sports and park and recreation as well as public schools. Today, more family members have chosen this community because it has been well managed and admired by other cities in Orange County. If the City Council approves rezoning of this location, our city loses respect and integrity. Other solutions need to be explored.

Submitted by Emily Rowe on Sun, 04/10/2022 - 1:23 pm


The zoning should remain as is. The proposed project is completely unsuited for the location. When Value Rock purchased the property, the comment to the press was they planned to renovate it. I have never noticed any major renovations, and I pass by nearly daily. As I understand it, it has been some time since the owners would renew or grant new leases. My point being, this entity does not seem trustworthy, which is one more issue to consider. Let's preserve our lovely, planned community for the benefit of those of us who live in it.

Submitted by Rosalie De Vito on Mon, 04/11/2022 - 9:27 am


Vote NO NO NO on the proposed zoning change and proposed plan of ValueRock Realty!

We have lived in our La Paz home in Mission Viejo for over 51 years and have watched our town develop and grow into a city while still maintaining the small town, family oriented community as was originally planned. If you allow this rezoning to take place you will be ignoring the initial plan and intentions of The Mission Viejo Company when this community was built and sold as a "planned community".

Again, we ask that the council vote NO on this proposal.

Submitted by Mary Helen Alexander on Mon, 04/11/2022 - 12:02 pm


The zoning change would be a huge mistake and would permanently change the face of Mission Viejo. We moved here 30 years ago after living in a several cities, states and countries and Mission Viejo has been the best of them all. To deliberately built a massive apt. complex in such a small lot in an already built up area is madness. Where is all the overflow parking going to go? How long will it take to get from Marguerite to the 5 on La Paz? During rush/school hours, it's already faster to walk! It will ruin our quality of life!

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