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Mission Viejo joins League of California Cities in opposing housing bill that would strip local control

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The City of Mission Viejo is joining the League of California Cities in encouraging residents to contact their legislative representatives to oppose a new housing bill that would strip local control and take decisions away from Mission Viejo residents.

Assembly Bill 2011 (AB 2011) usurps local control by making affordable housing by-right in areas currently zoned for office, retail, or parking. Local governments are responsible for facilitating housing production through planning and zoning processes that were established to ensure appropriate public input and engagement, environmental reviews, and compliance with state housing requirements.

The League of California Cities is opposed to AB 2011 because it would disregard the State-mandated Housing Element process in which Mission Viejo and other cities are engaged and instead allow housing developments in nearly all areas of the City. If developers can build housing in office, retail, and parking areas, why should cities like Mission Viejo go through the multiyear planning process to identify sites suitable for new housing units, only to have those plans ignored and housing built on sites never considered for new housing?

While the City recognizes the significant need for the development of new affordable housing units, it feels that providing incentives for doing so is a more effective approach than removing local input and authority. Locally elected officials and members of the community must have the opportunity to weigh in on such decisions, so that the full extent of the local impacts of proposed projects can be considered.  

Cities, not the State, are best suited to make local land-use decisions.  

Read the City of Mission Viejo opposition letter from April 22. You can oppose the bill by signing and sending this form letter to the legislative offices listed at this link. Add the date and your name in the fillable fields on the PDF.


Submitted by T. Howe on Thu, 05/12/2022 - 7:38 pm


Based AB 2011. The local review process as part of the bill seems to be just fine, and the general provisions are frankly long overdue. If we want to fix the housing crisis—something that the city does not seem interested in— it would be prudent for us to urge the pursuit of similar standards as in the assembly bill, not oppose it.

Submitted by Chris Perko on Thu, 05/12/2022 - 7:53 pm


It’s amazing to me that the city consistently urges people to oppose decisions without giving both sides of the story. Mission Viejo is not caring for the rights of all. If it were, we would certainly have more low income housing. Can a single teacher afford to live in MV? I don’t think so. It’s disappointing that this city continues to try and keep it’s population in the dark. And the people follow.

Submitted by Joseph Noval on Thu, 05/12/2022 - 8:00 pm


To Whom It May Concern,
Local issues should be handled by our local representatives. They are in the best position to Know what is best for Mission Viejo. Our whole system of government was founded on the principal of “Less is more”. The maximum power of an elected government should rest with the city, then the county, then the state and finally the federal government. I oppose Assembly Bill 2011. More and more it seems that the individual citizen has no say.

Submitted by Kevin Messenger on Fri, 05/13/2022 - 5:00 am


I urge everyone to support this bill! Too often cities keep denying quality affordable housing for low income people that doesn’t increase crime. We need to triple how much affordable housing in this city and bring people in with the money they spend in this city instead of them spending it elsewhere. Support the state bill forcing cities to build high quality housing for low income people everywhere! You’ll actually see your property values rise. Yes in my backyard!

Submitted by Michael Rotcher on Fri, 05/13/2022 - 3:29 pm


Support the bill!!! It's time Mission Viejo stopped standing in the way of much needed housing reform. We need to build UP, not OUT, near to
public transportation hubs, to help save our environment.

Submitted by Joyce Elia on Tue, 05/17/2022 - 12:38 pm


I agree with the City of Mission Viejo, that LOCAL control over property should be maintained. I oppose Assembly Bill 2011. As we have seen time and again, broad legislation like this opens the door for a multitude of unintended consequences in the future that affect the local population that have no voice in the proceedings.

Submitted by John Saccoccio on Wed, 05/18/2022 - 2:55 pm


I agree with the City of Mission Viejo, that LOCAL control over property should be maintained. I oppose Assembly Bill 2011. As we have seen time and again, broad legislation like this opens the door for a multitude of unintended consequences in the future that affect the local population that have no voice in the proceedings.

Submitted by Richard Cordova on Thu, 05/19/2022 - 9:34 pm


I oppose Assembly 2011!
Decisions need to be made on the local level.
The City of Mission Viejo is where the “Buck
Stops” not at the State and Federal Level.

Submitted by Daniel boucher on Fri, 05/20/2022 - 10:44 am


Don't be fooled by outside or special commercial interests. Local control by elected officials work to the long term interests of our community. I have seen the results in my travels to 55 countries what can happen when local control is erased. Do you really think you are better off letting Sacramento make choices for mission viejo. It is the height of ignorance!
Stand up for local rights!

Submitted by Helen & Emmet … on Sun, 06/05/2022 - 12:27 pm


We are property owners of Mission Viejo 92691-5049 since 1969. We bought here because we liked the plans for our community. We feel Sacramento has no say in the design of our community. PLEASE DO NOT LET AB 2011, OR ANYTHING LIKE IT, PASS !

Submitted by YIMBY on Thu, 06/23/2022 - 3:24 pm


"Why should cities like Mission Viejo go through the **MULTIYEAR planning process** to identify sites suitable for new housing units, only to have those plans ignored and housing built on sites never considered for new housing?"
Tell me you're a NIMBY without telling me you're a NIMBY

Submitted by Dale Evingham on Mon, 07/04/2022 - 9:24 am


I oppose Assembly bill AB2011. As a Property owner and Business owner. Mission Viejo is a planed community and should stay that way. We are TAX PAYERS and should stand up to Sacramento .

Submitted by Wendy on Mon, 07/11/2022 - 11:13 am


I oppose assembly bill AB2011. As a property owner in Mission Viejo since 1987, our home was purchased with the Mission Viejo planned community and it should stay this way. We are TAX PAYERS and we should have a say to Sacramento.

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