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Goodell to serve as Mayor, Kelley as Mayor Pro Tem for 2023

brian and trish

When the City Council reconvenes after the holidays, Brian Goodell will serve as Mayor and Trish Kelley as Mayor Pro Tem for 2023. The Council Members were selected for the one-year posts during the City Council’s annual reorganization on Tuesday.  

During the meeting, the November election results were certified, and Council Members Bob Ruesch (District 1); Brian Goodell (District 2); Cynthia Vasquez (District 3); Trish Kelley (District 4); and Wendy Bucknum (District 5) began serving their four-year terms.  

The City Council normally meets at 6 pm on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month in the Council Chamber located at 200 Civic Center Drive. The next meeting is scheduled for January 10. For more information, visit cityofmissionviejo.org


Submitted by Tom P on Wed, 12/14/2022 - 11:16 am


Well I guess the City Master Plan is now out the door! Welcome our new Mayor! Here is his response to the Core Vision Plan question (with some editorial input to keep the record straight), asked by Carlos Pianelli during the campaign for MV City Council.
Brian Goodell
First, the City Council did not vote NOT to buy the CVS building. Instead, we (Brian means all other council members voted not to discuss it at the last minute off agenda item, not himself) voted not even to DISCUSS it. Most of the Council was intimidated due to the hostile crowd in the chamber (nobody knew about it because he had Curley announce it as a "walk on agenda item" from Goodell). It is terrible not to be able to discuss opportunities that may help expedite the Core Vision Plan or any other topics that are advantageous to the city (We agree whole heartedly, and you aren't helping that discussion).
Before we purchased the Mart building, we could not get any property owners to participate in implementing the Core Vision Plan (just like the Monster?). However, since we bought the Mart, some property owners have shown a greater interest in participating in the plan (The owners of the CVS property were just selling the property and it isn't part of the Core Vision Plan at all).
Owning the CVS building could have given us even more leverage and control over implementing the plan (WHY?) with the long-term management of the property. For example, we could amend the lease with CVS since they favor a smaller footprint (Still not part of the Vision Plan). Under this lease, the tenant pays rent and maintenance expenses that would have covered most of the city’s costs to own the property. Therefore, we should discuss the possibilities, especially since we recently approved an update to the Economic Element of the General Plan that prioritizes such actions by the Council. I believe it was a lost opportunity (That the community opposed and City Council voted against).
He was not even there at the CVS council meeting. He called in and voted to buy CVS for 13 million. He was on the phone for his own proposal.

Submitted by John Bouldin on Fri, 12/16/2022 - 7:50 am


Except for Cynthia Vasquez, we’ll have four more years of Building Industry Association influence determining the direction of our city. I still don’t understand how the majority of the voters blindly voted back in Bucknam (director of a development company) and the other BIA money recipients.
How many new taxpayer funded bailouts will they attempt to slide by this time?

Submitted by Cathy Schlicht on Fri, 12/16/2022 - 2:03 pm


The depth of the council majority's deception is stunning. The lengths and the methods used to deceive the voters continue to be a threat to our open and transparent government. With the city attorney taking the lead, vital information has been suppressed from the public record.

Speakers were verbally attacked for standing up for the law. The City has lost every lawsuit challenging voter integrity, but how many voters know that?

How many voters are aware that Council Members Sachs, Raths and Bucknum were quietly removed from office for unlawfully remaining in office beyond their elected terms?

After concealing from the voters relevant and vital information, as well as curtailing lawful speech, our leaders did an end run around the law, were able to get themselves re-elected, and on Tuesday, raised their right hand to take the oath to defend the Constitution. What hypocrisy.

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